Frequent ADA Access Filers in Los Angeles
By Catherine M. Corfee, Esq. Corfee Stone Law Corp. (916) 487-5441 ADA Access Attorney
Corfee Stone Law Corporation generally tracks disabled individuals who repeatedly file disabled accessibility lawsuits in Federal Court against businesses/public accommodations for alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). These frequent filers target small businesses over minor ADA infractions and use the same law firm. Unfortunately, there is a legal loophole in the federal courts where the ADA has been interpreted to allow disabled individuals to visit your business to “test” whether it is ADA accessible, even if they are not bona fide patrons. California is keenly aware of this litigation abuse and is stricter, i.e., a disabled individual must be a bona fide patron and intend to do business.
A. The following is only a short list of many of these frequent filers:
Miquel Soto
Robert Cauley,
Marquise Bailey,
Deondre Raglin, Kevin Cox,
Jesus Garcia
Lee Manuel Weilch
B. The following streets have been targeted:
W. Mission Boulevard
Pacific Boulevard
W. El Segundo Boulevard
Disabled Miquel Soto is a disabled individual and has filed numerous lawsuits, and at least three (3) against businesses on W. Mission Boulevard in the city of Pomona, California. Miguel Soto is represented by the law firm So Cal Equal Access Group, located in Los Angeles, California. In Pomona, California, Miquel Soto has filed at least (3) ADA Lawsuits against businesses/public accommodations on W. Mission Boulevard, Pomana California 91766.
The following disabled individuals, Robert Cauley, Marquise Bailey, Deondre Raglin, Kevin Cox, Jesus Garcia, and Lee Manuel Weilch, have filed ADA access lawsuits against businesses located on Pacific Boulevard in Huntington Park, California 90255. They too are represented by the law firm of So Cal Equal Access Group.
In Compton, disabled Deondre Raglin and Jesus Garcia have each filed a lawsuit against businesses on W. El Segundo Boulevard, Compton, California 90222.
Corfee Stone represents businesses in Northern and Southern California against these ADA lawsuits. Lawsuits are expensive, however, there are some defenses if a small business retains an expert to inspect the property by a CASp and makes the recommended ADA changes by a certain deadline. This assumes that the business qualifies as a small business.
For defense of an ADA lawsuit and/or pre-litigation consultation, contact Ms. Catherine M. Corfee Esq. at 916-487-5441.
This ADA Blog does not expressly or impliedly provide any legal advice. One must retain an attorney.