Who Is Entitled to Overtime Pay?

Workplace time clock for clocking in

WHO IS ENTITLED TO OVERTIME PAY? by Catherine M. Corfee, Esq. The answer to who is entitled to overtime pay is: It depends. The federal and California laws governing overtime entitlement are confusing and involve a myriad of factors that must be taken into account by the courts. Under Federal standards, overtime pay is any…

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Frequent ADA Access Filers in Los Angeles

A gavel placed on a dollar bills

By Catherine M. Corfee, Esq. Corfee Stone Law Corp. (916) 487-5441 ADA Access Attorney Corfee Stone Law Corporation generally tracks disabled individuals who repeatedly file disabled accessibility lawsuits in Federal Court against businesses/public accommodations for alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). These frequent filers target small businesses over minor ADA infractions and…

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